Making it easy for your prospects and clients to do business with you should be one of your key initiatives. However, if you’re like most small business owners, challenges associated with day-to-day operations, budget constraints, and personnel issues leave little time to simplify your processes.

Fortunately, there is a tactic you can employ easily to save you time, money, and enhance your brand. What is this mystery tactic?

Before I get to the specifics, let’s determine if you are a candidate for taking advantage of this tool that many businesses have found to be essential. Are you missing opportunities because you’re not answering every call live? Do you feel like you’re a slave to your business; constantly required to answer calls day and night, on weekends, even on vacations? Are you concerned about the cost of employing someone that’s dedicated to answering your calls? If you answered yes to any of these questions, what I’m about to describe may be ideal for you.

Another point to consider, let’s be honest; COVID-19 has changed the world in many ways. APNAS survey shows the pandemic highly affected small businesses, not just financially but also in the workforce. Small businesses employ approximately 50% of America’s workforce, and according to the survey, the pandemic has forced many small businesses to make changes to stay open.

The way we interact with customers is no exception to that rule. Not only this, but money makes the world go ‘round, and recent geopolitical changes have considerably impacted the cost of goods and global economies everywhere. When prices rise, cuts start being made, and budgets become tighter.

With more and more companies making cuts in various departments, it’s become increasingly important that small businesses don’t feel locked into contracts, unable to get out.

We all have customers who call in, but we don’t all have the time to take every call while still getting the day-to-day work done.

When we miss our calls, what’s the current solution? We let them go to voicemail, where we could potentially lose someone. According to Forbes and CGS , customers have become more demanding throughout the pandemic, and they expect to talk to a real person, not a machine.

So, what do we do? My customers want to talk to someone real, but I don’t always have the time to take their calls, and I don’t get enough calls in a day to justify spending hundreds of dollars on an answering service.

If you’re asking yourself these questions, AnswerAmerica and AnswerCanada have the perfect solution. Both offer a unique and extremely affordable pay-as-you-go answering service model, which allows you to load in a specified amount of funds, and a real person will answer your calls 24/7 365.

The best part? You can customize your messaging, and the live agent will respond to your prospects exactly on-message. You can rest assured your brand – that you’ve worked hard to elevate – will be protected, and you never need to worry about missing a lead or inquiry again.

Call centers are increasing in popularity every day, and the demand for virtual agents is growing as well.

With AnswerAmerica and AnswerCanada, small business owners have the flexibility to keep their phones monitored while being able to focus on what they do best.

For more information on the costs and to learn how easy this program is to set up (it takes less than 5-minutes), visit or today!